Access to Care - Community Health Resources

All categories are intended to align with the priorities under Access to Care in Our Health, Our Future | Tri-County Health Improvement Plan 2018 - 2023.
Click on the blue buttons below to access the resource website.

FREE/sliding scale DENTAL CLINIcs


 dream  ecco  fetter


 MUSC  NorthChas  OLOM  TTC




FREE/sliding scale medical CLINICS


barrier CARES.Dream-NC dream


ecco fetter harvest Neighbors

180 OLOM Shifa St. james


Insurance information





public transportation/ride share


carta Modi Molina



support services


carta Modi RSFH Financial Assistance Program- click to learn more



quick links

Need additional info? View our Other Online Hubs page or click on these great resources below!


Access  wel




If you cannot find the resources you need or would like to speak with someone, Call 211, Text HELP to 211-211 or Click Below to visit


Have suggested edits or general feedback? Please email and we will follow up with you!

Neither Healthy Tri-County, nor its members or representatives, endorse or in any way guarantee the products, services, or care provided by any resources listed or linked to, and shall not be held liable for any action taken by, in coordination with, or on behalf of those resources.

Last updated: 5/10/20