Detailed Agenda

8:30 – 9:00     Registration and Networking Breakfast – opportunity to view exhibitor resources

9:00 – 9:35     Welcome and Introductions:

9:35 – 10:30   Morning Plenary Session Stronger Together: Unlocking Health Equity Through Collaborative Action - Dr. Lisa Waddell

10:30 –10:40  Break – opportunity to view exhibitor resources and network

10:40 – 11:40 Concurrent Breakout Sessions

  • Transforming Healthcare: The Road to Healthier Communities
  • A Coroner's Perspective on Prescription Overdose Prevention
  • Implementing Nutrition and Physical Activity through a School-based Wellness Model
  • Moving From Talk to Action with Results Based Accountability 

11:40 – 12:50 Lunch, Awards & Entertainment

12:50 – 1:10   Break – opportunity to view exhibitor resources and network

1:10 – 2:10     Concurrent Breakout Session

  • Sexually Transmitted Disease Rates by Social Vulnerability Index in the Lowcountry of South Carolina 
  • Birthing A Community: Utilizing Doulas to Assist in Reducing Disparities During the Maternal Health Crisis
  • Driving Equitable Engagement in Health
  • Bridging the Divide: Building Relationships with Faith Communities to Increase Community Health

2:10 – 2:15     Break- opportunity to view exhibitor resources and network

2:15 3:15     Afternoon Plenary Session – Transformative Solutions for Social Determinants of Health Challenge 

3:15 – 3:30     Closing Remarks and Prize Drawing