Call for Student Abstracts- Healthy Tri-County Symposium

Call for Student Poster Presentations

Are you a student passionate about health equity and disparities? Submit your poster presentation for the Tri-county Health Symposium and share your research on health issues in Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester counties. This symposium is an excellent platform for students to present their academic work, connect with health professionals, and contribute to critical discussions on health equity and disparities. Topics should address health equity, health disparities, and/or health in the Tri-County area. Apply now to showcase your work and make a difference in our community's health!

Key Information:

  • Event Date: November 11th, 2024
  • Location: Trident Technical College, Main Campus
  • Submission Deadline: October 1st, 2024

Why Participate?

  • Present your research to a diverse audience of health professionals.
  • Gain valuable feedback and insights.
  • Network with experts and peers in the field.
  • Contribute to the advancement of health equity and disparities.

How to Apply:

Complete the application with your poster title, abstract, and relevant details. For more information, contact